Warner Bros. Pictures has recently released the extended theatrical trailer for “Bones And All” the coming-of-age, romance, drama, cannibal film starring Taylor Russell, Timothée Chalamet, and M…
If you didn;t know about it, “The Shape of Water”, this year’s surprise Best Picture winner at the just concluded 90th Academy Awards which also won awards for Best Director, Bes…
Sony Pictures Classics' "Call Me By Your Name" has been hailed as the Best Picture of 2017 by the L.A. Film Critics and has garnered several major Oscar nominations…
Beautifully shot and a quiet, slow take on the intricacies of attraction, “Call Me By Your Name” succeeds in showing the bare-thin thread and inner conundrum between two unlikely…
We have to say it. The sci-fi genre has definitely seen better days. While there’s the occasional brave film that tries to be different, it’s mostly a CGI-filled experience nowad…
It would be a huge disappointment if "Doctor Strange" didn't deliver on its visuals but boy it did. The film was massively mesmerizing in it scope and the bravado o…
New York, London, Hong Kong and the Himalayas are converging in the latest poster for Marvel Studios' "Doctor Strange". Check it out just below. Marvel’s “Doctor St…