Showing posts with the label Marisa Tomei
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Marisa Tomei
T he Multiverse unleashed. The latest official teaser poster for "Spider-Man: No Way Home" reveals villains from past films. Can you spot where the Green Goblin is?  Co…
Photo Credit: "Columbia Pictures" "Spider-man: Far From Home" once again tackles the struggles of being a "superheroic teenager" - themes that …
Following the events of "Avengers: Endgame", Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has been changed forever and the reality that there might…
Columbia Pictures has finally unveiled the international teaser trailer of its upcoming superhero, action-adventure film, "Spider-Man™: Far From Home" starring Tom Holl…
Peter Parker comes home to the Marvel Cinematic Universe sooner than you expected and be one of the first in the world to experience "Spider-Man: Homecoming" on Thur…
After a flurry of films and reboots in less than two decades, Spider-man is one hero that clearly needs no introduction. Luckily, “Spider-man: Homecoming” foregoes the typical or…
Your friendly neighborhood hero Spider-Man is coming to Manila – live in person! Columbia Pictures has just announced that the official Spider-Man character will be in town th…