Showing posts with the label Candy Pangilinan
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Candy Pangilinan
To say that "Tililing" is a pointless waste of time is purely hating on it. Because in fact, it has a point and to be honest, it was delivered in the most simple abd un…
After his controversial;y-titled film " Paglaki Ko, Gusto Kong Maging Pornstar " comes another controversial film from Director Darryl Yap . This time its a film titlle…
"Ang Pambansang Third Wheel" is a pretty generic, pretty predictable, and pretty safe romance comedy. It never really did anything special, memorable and didn'…
"Petrang Kabayo" from the get-go seems to be a film that's going to flop big time. No hard feelings but it seems to be a twin of all the unmentionable comedy films …