Revisiting Interstellar 10 Years Later: Better the Second Time Around Watch this movie right now: Powered by JustWatch We rarely revisit films for a follow-up review, but when it’s a Chr…
From its title alone, "The Last Thing He Wanted" already gives you an idea on what it's completely about - it's the last thing you wanted - if ever you deci…
On its exterior, "Ocean's 8" is a cool and slick film that, at its core, was at least fun. But once you observe the details more and more, the film falls apart w…
Warner Bros. Pictures has just revealed the main poster for its upcoming heist thriller “Oceans 8”. The poster features the eight ladies in various their own unique poses and the…
The all-girls crime group is having so much fun in the official main trailer for Warner Bros. Pictures’ “Ocean's 8”. The film is a spin-off of the highly-successful "Oce…
"The Intern" turns out what we expected it to be and a whole lot more. The film is a heartwarming, unconventional tour through an age divided mentality that could have…
"Interstellar" is not Christopher Nolan's best. In fact, it is rather flawed in many, many ways. But even though this is the case, "Interstellar" still b…