Titans is an all-new 12 episode live-action drama series that follows a group of young superheroes of the DC Universe. In the series, Dick Grayson emerges from the shadows to become the leader o…
The ragtag group of groomsmen in Columbia Pictures' comedy “The Wedding Ringer” add a priceless element of comic tension to the what-could-go-wrong construct of the movie. O…
When we heard that a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" film was being remade, we have to admit, we had a hard time accepting it as fact. For us, this was going to be a co…
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, the 2014 remake, is trying to re-envisioning the Turtles we all so love but like before, each member of the Ninja family brings his own unique sk…