Suspiria (2018): Movie Review

Photo courtesy of Amazon Studios
"Suspiria" is easily a divisive film. On one hand, its artistic and stylistic approach is an experience on its own. But the slow pace and long running time makes the film feel bloated and unfulfilling. What's for sure is that this modern remake while good ain't perfect.

Photo courtesy of Amazon Studios
It's 1977 and American Susie Bannion (Dakota Johnson) has finally achieved her dream of auditioning for the Markos Tanzgruppe - a world-renowned dancing company based in Berlin. Her natural talent flourishes and even impresses the group's head artistic director and choreographer, Madame Blanc (Tilda Swinton). Soon, a darkness engulfs the group as particular dancers start to vanish or disappear without notice and a rumor circles around that the leaders of the company are actually witches.
Photo courtesy of Amazon Studios
To say that "Suspiria" is an experience in itself is an understatement. May it be the sense of dread, stellar camera work and performance, and gut-wrenching gore, the film has various ways to shock and capture your attention. Running at a clip of two and a half hours, we found ourselves struggling to find clarity in the first quarter, riveted in the middle portion, and totally lost in the last segment of the film. We wanted to love this film but we just couldn't find an anchor in its massive and bloated screenplay. Worse, by the end of it, the investment in time and emotions that the film asks from you as a viewer seems to be unfulfilling and begs the tremendous question of what was the point even? What salvages "Suspiria" was its outstanding cinematography that really captures the suffocating dread that our characters find themselves in - knowing that their are powerful, almost inescapable forces that can literally break them bit by bit. And of course, the award-winning and riveting performances from its cast especially Tilda Swinton.
Photo courtesy of Amazon Studios
Rating: 3 reels

Why you should watch it:
- Gore galore
- The beautiful cinematography brings the suspense and horrors right in your face

Why you shouldn't watch it:
- The screenplay was a bit disappointing if not unfulfilling
- The end result doesn't justify the long running time

You can watch "Suspiria" via Amazon Prime Video.
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