Halloween (2018): Movie Review

Sometimes, all you need is a reboot. And for "Halloween", it is back-to-basics time in 2018. The end result is a simple yet visceral approach to a genre longing for a foothold in a horror genre rife with demons and spirits and not much else. At its core terrifying, "Halloween" presents a strong case on why modern audiences should give the slasher film another go and why pure masochistic physical evil trumps any demon anytime.
Forty years to the day when Michael Meyers (Nick Castle and James Jude Courtney) first struck the town of Haddonfield, he is being transferred to a maximum security prison. But as fate would have it, while the prison bus is on its way to the prison, Michael finds a way to take control and escape. Now, Michael Meyers is back in Haddonfield to bring death among the residents of Haddonfield but specifically end what he couldn't finish decades ago - kill Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis).

The 2018 reboot of "Halloween" proved to be a suspenseful and terrifying experience. The no-nonsense approach and the realistic gore proved to be the biggest draw for the film. Beyond the impervious nature of Michael Meyers, everything else feels raw and very, very real. If we could choose one standout feature for "Halloween", it would be its cinematography. From scene to scene, it was able to capture the visceral nature and emotional and psychological torment of being stalked by a serial killer. Every nook and every cranny was tense-filled never knowing when Michael Meyers will show up for the kill. Our easy favorite was the long take which features Michael Myers' arrival in Haddonfield out on a killing spree. The biggest issue for "Halloween" though was its screenplay. It's a simple story which works to its favor but when it decides to put in more into the back-to-basics approach, the film stumbles. Did we really need the podcast couple to begin with? And why did it take them so long to transfer Michael Meyers into a maximum security prison if he was so dangerous? And why were the police blatantly ignoring the presence of a serial killer in their town? Pockets of the story failed to make much sense. But luckily, stellar performances from the cast made these setbacks a little more acceptable. The obvious standout would be Jamie Lee Curtis as she was able to feel natural in her role as a haunted and PTSD suffering victim of the original murders. In some cases, she's even more terrifying than Michael Meyers himself. Overall, "Halloween" was a definite romp and terrifying film to watch. If you thought slashers were things of the past then "Halloween" will handily prove you wrong.
Rating: 4 and a half reels

Why you should watch it:
- realistic and visceral gore
- exquisite cinematography work that was able to capture the real terror of facing Michael Meyers

Why you shouldn't watch it:
- the story had a lot of logical issues
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