Netflix The Rain: Season 1 Preview

We got a chance to view the first three episodes of the upcoming Netflix Original ”The Rain”. Don’t let its Scandinavian roots fool you. It’s actually one full of intrigue, mystery and interesting characters. While its post-apocalyptic theme is nothing new, its premise of a world gone awry due to a deadly virus spread through rain is.

The show features Simone and Rasmus as their parents are in a frantic pace to leave town. Along the way, they find themselves in an accident which forces them to go inside a bunker before the rain arrives. With their dad gone missing and their mom succumbing to the deadly disease, Simone and Rasmus must test their wits as they are left alone in a world gone wrong.

Each episode we saw from the show followed a similar pattern each time. An episode focused on a single character - revealing their lives before or during the outbreak. Usually, this is mixed in with some intriguing detail that affects or explains their action during the episode. This pattern we loved. The first three episodes were jam-packed full of characters that had us hooked in with their own quirks and reasoning for their actions. A character that is seemingly trust-worthy at first may turn out to be the complete opposite once a crucial reveal is shown or a character that seems to be cruel at first turns to be relatable. Beyond Simone and Rasmus, the other supporting cast members stood out and make “The Rain” a very interesting watch..

The screenplay was mostly outstanding. As we mentioned earlier, the character backstories were solid but the overall mystery of the disease was as big of a deal as the characters were. While we barely scratched the surface in those three episodes, there’s still a lot that we learned and would love to learn in the remaining episodes. Additionally, the show also has a lot of depth typically blurring the lines between what is good or what is bad. In a post-apocalyptic world, actions are never easy and moral compasses are usually thrown out in the window. It was able to show a different kind of world that is believable at its core.

Overall, “The Rain” is a complete surprise. It is one that can easily rival any American series out there. A solid screenplay and character development make this a thrilling experience for its first three episodes. We are looking forward to watching the rest of the season when it comes out May 4, 2018.

Rating: 4 reels

Why you should watch it:
- screenplay is solid
- character development is one of its strong points

Why you shouldn’t watch it:
- its post-apocalyptic setting is nothing new and feels similar to other shows on some aspects
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