WATCH: A CURE FOR WELLNESS Trailer Has Us Pinning for Its Release on February 15

A Cure for Wellness Dane DeHaan
Would you pay for great amounts just to remove your stresses or pains away? The R-rated horror thriller “A Cure For Wellness” introduces an enticing yet very unsettling spa that promises miraculous cures for what ails man in today’s fast and highly-wired landscape. Starring Dane DeHaan, Mia Goth and Jason Isaacs, “A Cure For Wellness” drives the audience from a city abuzz with an overly competitive workforce to a remote picturesque location in the Swiss Alps where an exclusive wellness spa gives its clients the ultimate cure for their sicknesses.

DeHaan stars as Lockhart who aims to retrieve their company’s CEO who mysteriously abandoned his post to find the ultimate cure in the spa. Lockhart soon meets up with Hannah (Mia Goth) at the spa who is an extremely naive innocent young woman. The longer he stays, the more he uncovers that the miraculous treatments are not what they seem to be. When he begins to unravel its terrifying secrets, his sanity is tested, as he finds himself diagnosed with the same curious illness that keeps all the guests longing for the cure. Hannah, who was brought up as an unsuspecting child hasn’t questioned the sanitarium’s existence until she meets Lockhart.

As Gore Verbinski, the film's director has stated, “The script, I thought it was the most gripping story I ever read and I didn’t put the script down from start to finish. I had to read it three times before I could actually fully wrap my head around what it is the story was telling”. Likewise, he also teased that "“A Cure for Wellness” is sort of exploring this sense of the irrational and the inevitable converging. We all know history and yet here we are driving a car into a tree and we’re not turning and there’s that sense of comfort of denial; terry cloth robes and a steam bath and there’s no better place, the health spa, to corrupt that idea of the temporariness of tranquility and to explore inevitability as a kind of sickness and to put it in sound and camera. There’s a dark spot on your x-ray, y’know, and it’s the narrator of the movie, it’s the unseen force. ‘Cause we have a protagonist who starts off as kind of a - he’s a killer, I mean he’s the worst of us.”
A Cure for Wellness scene
Intriguing? Mysterious? “A Cure For Wellness” opens February 15 in cinemas from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.
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