LOOK: Character Posters of 'The Great Wall' Main and Support Casts Unveiled

Universal Pictures and Legendary Pictures' fantasy, action-adventure "The Great Wall" showcases its varied cast with character posters for the film's principal and supporting cast. Getting the star treatment are Matt Damon, Pedro Pascal, Willem Dafoe, Andy Lau and Jing Tian. Check out their one-sheets below:

While the supporting cast is made-up of a completely Asian cast and also includes two Chinese pop sensations. Check out their posters below:

Directed by master Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou, the film headlines Matt Damon as William Garin, a battle-scarred mercenary and master archer taken captive by a secret army of elite warriors known as The Nameless Order. In a vast military outpost called the Fortress City, they fight to protect humanity from supernatural forces upon one of the greatest defensive structures ever built: The Great Wall.

“The Great Wall" is distributed by United International Pictures through Columbia Pictures and watch it starting January 25, 2016.
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