Top 20 Movies of All-Time

Throughout the years, the evolution of the cinematic world has gone through a rapid pace. If you look back in the pages of history, the first one minute long movies were produced in the 1890s and it was in 1927 that motion pictures were produced however without any sound or music. It wasn’t until the 1920s that movies largely gained into popularity amidst viewers over the world. The first synchronized dialogue and singing movie was produced in 1927 by Warners who released ‘The Jazz Singer’ and by 1929, all movies produced was almost all-talkie, with several competing sound systems.

What we are going to look at are the movies that have gone through great popularity while getting critical acclaim through critics in the process. The top 20 movies include (in no particular order):
    1. Casablanca
    2. Citizen Kane
    3. Psycho
    4. Grease
    5. The Godfather
    6. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
    7. Toy Story 3
    8. Up
    9. The Maltese Falcon
    10. Man on Wire
    11. Rocky
    12. Gladiator
    13. Jurassic Park
    14. King Kong
    15. The Wizard of Oz
    16. Jaws
    17. Raging Bull
    18. Aliens
    19. Mary Poppins
    20. Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Many of the top movies stated have been so popular that games have been themed after it which you will see as computer games, video games, X-Box, PS2, PS3 and even slot machines which are found at many online destinations.

Some of the movies that have been turned into slot games while keeping the characters and layout only found in the movies are Grease, Hellboy, X-Men to Blade and even Jurassic Park, the very famous movie produced in 1993 has been turned into a slot machine where all the dinosaurs and movie characters have been gathered.

If you wish to keep those great movies alive then try out the games at Lucky Pants Bingo, the online site that holds a gigantic collection of games. Signing up will bring you free money to play with therefore you may play the games without the need to deposit straightaway!

Image Source: The Collective Brain
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