If I Stay: Movie Review

"If I Stay" is moving at times. The emotions we felt swaying as well as the cello playing of its lead character Mia Hall. With an impressive performance from Chloe Grace Moretz and an outstanding cast of characters, it seems as though that this film might be a surprise classic in the works. Sadly, it slightly falters with an abysmal script - one that feels a little too cheesy and a totally disengaging with its supposed deep supernatural connection.

Mia Hall (Chloe Grace Moretz) thought the hardest decision she would ever face would be whether to pursue her musical dreams at Juilliard or follow a different path to be with the love of her life, Adam (Blackley). But what should have been a carefree family drive changes everything in an instant, and now her own life hangs in the balance. Caught between life and death for one revealing day, Mia has only one decision left, which will not only decide her future but her ultimate fate.

We must admit, "If I Stay" had us by the reins at times. A noteworthy performance by Chloe Grace Moretz (we loved how authentic her acting came out) coupled with extremely likable and memorable characters and a supernatural twist, we were ready for some heavy drama. But "If I Stay" botches a unique opportunity to make a mark in a crowded genre heavily stifled by its script. The script was too cheesy for our taste and seems out of place with the serious tone of the film. In fact, it seems that the big screen adaptation wanted to swoon its target audience with the chemistry of and sweetness of its leads in exchange for a less deeper take on its supernatural aspect. In the end, it feels an opportunity wasted and what could have been a defining film turns out to be closer to the usual than memorable.

Rating: 3 and a half reels

Why you should watch it:
- interesting story and memorable characters
- amazing performance from Chloe Grace Moretz

Why you shouldn't watch it:
- the script was bad and hampered the film significantly
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