Get to Know the World of 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'

Academy Award winner and master storyteller Ridley Scott who has helmed heavyweight hits such as “Gladiator,” “Alien” and “Prometheus” brings one of the world’s best-loved stories of all time to the big screen - the story of Moses - with “Exodus: Gods and Kings”. Filmed in 3D, "Exodus: Gods and Kings" will tell the story of Moses who was abandoned as a baby by a desperate mother after the Egyptian rulers order the murder of all boys born to slaves. Ironically, he is found in the bulrushes by the Pharaoh’s daughter and raised in the royal household, where he grows up alongside Ramses, the future monarch. As a man, Moses has a vision and turns his back on his privileged life and leads his people, the Israelites, from enslavement. Scott’s film will feature ground-breaking special effects, including the famous plagues and the parting of the Red Sea.

Scott has recruited an all-star cast to bring his retelling of the story of Exodus: Gods & Kings to the big screen. Bale plays Moses, Sir Ben Kingsley is the scholar Nun, Sigourney Weaver plays Ramses’ mother, Queen Tuya and Joel Edgerton is Ramses. Get an exclusive peek into the world of "Exodus: Gods and Kings" here:

“Exodus: Gods and Kings” opens December 5 in cinemas nationwide from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.
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