Police Story Reboot 'Police Story 2013' To Be Released Locally

Jackie Chan faces another formidable challenge in his upcoming high-octane action movie “Police Story 2013.” Faced with a group of cold-blooded syndicate where his only daughter is acquainted with, Chan plays Zhong Wen, a dedicated ordinary police officer for over 20 years determined to eradicate evil under his watch. Known for doing his own (even dangerous) stunts, Chan’s character Zhong finds himself trapped in the machinations of a syndicate revealed to be connected to a ruthless criminal imprisoned by Wen years back and had been exacting revenge since then.
Jing Tian also stars in the movie as Chan’s daughter Miao Miao, a medical student whose fondness to her father had waned over the years. Unknown to her, the friends she made along the way are his father’s perennial enemies for years, worse her boyfriend, who owns a very dubious fashionable club, is closely connected to the man who committed manslaughter whom her father had imprisoned for life. Waiting to carry out their revenge, Miao Miao’s boyfriend Wu Jiang (Liu Ye) sees the hostage scene in his club an opportunity to trade his friend Fu (Zhou Xiao Ou) in prison to be released in exchange of the club patrons’ release. Fu is the man whom Zhong had imprisoned years ago. Zhong in a race against time to save his daughter and the other hostages, is forced to play along with the syndicate’s games until he gets the chance to take them down.
“Police Story 2013” is produced by Jackie Chan and is directed and written by Ding Sheng. The movie’s theme song entitled “Rescue” was performed by Jackie Chan, written and arranged by musician Sun Nan.

From Megavision, Inc., “Police Story 2013” opens this January in theaters.
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