Latest "Turbo" Trailer Released

Revving up soon on the big screen is Dreamworks Animation’s “Turbo” (3D). The film stars the voices of Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Snoop Dogg, Maya Rudolph, Ben Schwartz and Samuel L. Jackson. “Turbo” promises to be a fast-paced, action-packed 3D comedy and is set to have audiences around the world root for a super-charged snail to use his incredible powers to win the ultimate race against his idols so that he can prove once and for all that no dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.

If you haven't noticed yet, “Turbo” is about a snail who feeds his need for speed by sneaking into a garage to watch racing on an old dusty tv set and emulates his hero, French Canadian Indy 500 champ Guy Gagne. Turbo (Ryan Reynolds) desperately wishes he could escape the slow-paced life he's living and race like his hero, making him an oddity in their slow moving community. As fate would have him have it, he gets that chance one day after a freak accident when he suddenly finds himself vested with the power of incredible speed. Catch the trailer of "Turbo" after the jump.

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From DreamWorks Animation and 20th Century Fox, “Turbo” in 3D opens July 19 in cinemas nationwide.
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