Browsing Date
October 2011
A nuclear war was one of the biggest fears humans ever faced. A war that can destroy humankind in a snap of a finger. Even now, anything nuclear is big news. Just look at how Ira…
What if you discover one day you had extraordinary powers? Will you use it for good, for evil or for plain fun? "Chronicle" stars Michael B. Jordan, James Dehaan and …
"Paranormal Activity 3" sounds even more unnecessary than "Paranormal Activity 2" (which we found unworthy as a sequel from our review last year). We still ha…
Warner Bros. has just unveiled the poster and banner artworks for “Happy Feet Two”, the sequel to “Happy Feet”. In the film, Mumble The Master of Tap has a problem because his ti…
"Apollo 18" is another film in the found footage genre. While it may sound oh-so-similar to other found footage films, it actually does something unique and daring (and…