The Beaver Exclusive in Ayala Cinemas

Jodie Foster directs and co-stars with Mel Gibson in Summit Entertainment's “The Beaver”. The film is an emotional story about a man on a journey to re-discover his family and re-start his life. The critically acclaimed film will be shown soon exclusively at Ayala Mall Cinemas (Glorietta 4, Greenbelt 3 and Trinoma). Plagued by his own demons, Walter Black (Mel Gibson) was once a successful toy executive and family man who now suffers from depression. No matter what he tries to do, Walter cannot seem to get himself back on track until a beaver hand puppet enters his life. Well, sounds pretty Mel Gibson-y right? But seriously, the film is both a drama and a comedy - a combination you rarely see. Catch the trailer of "The Beaver" after the break.

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