Battle: Los Angeles: Sneak Peek

"Skyline" was a flop when it was released late last year. It failed not because it was independently made but the actual film was just reeking mediocrity. "Battle: Los Angeles" has strong ties with "Skyline". The Strausse Brothers, the tandem who directed "Skyline", were contracted to make the visuals of "Battle: Los Angeles". In fact, Sony actually sued them for infringement. Now, we don't usually side with the big boys but Sony may just have a point. But given that, we won't keep our hopes up with "Battle: Los Angeles" if it's going to almost similar to "Skyline". You can catch the trailer of "Battle: Los Angeles" after the jump and you be the judge. For us, it seems a bit on the cheesy side.

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"Battle: Los Angeles" is slated for a March 11, 2011 release.
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