Love and Other Drugs: Sneak Peek

Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway previously made jaws dropped in the adult-themed and very controversial movie “Brokeback Mountain.” Years later, after parting ways and made one box-office hit after another, Gyllenhaal and Hathaway reunite in the upcoming romantic comedy “Love And Other Drugs” for a slap of the awe-stunning realities in adult relationships. Read on after the jump to find out more about this film.

Directed by Edward Zwick and based on Jamie Reidy’s humorous memoir “Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman,” the movie tells the story of Reidy’s stint as a Pfizer salesman in the 1990s. As a salesman and considered to be the Jerry Maguire of the prescriptive drug world, Reidy (Jake Gyllenhaal) gets involved with Maggie (Anne Hathaway) who won’t let anything or anyone tie her down.

Romancing each other within the political and social context of medical breakthroughs, Jamie and Maggie’s evolving relationship takes them both by surprise as they find themselves under the influence of the ultimate drug: love.

“Love and Other Drugs” opens January 2011 locally and on November 24,2010 Stateside. This film is from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.
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  1. It's nice to see two of the hottest people alive in the movie industry. I am a fan of Jake Gyllenhall and Anne Hathaway. I'll definitely watch this since these two are noted to be two of the best actors and actresses out there.

  2. i'll watch this just for anne. <3

  3. Hi Charaze,

    This definitely has a talented cast! Let's hope for the best come next year!

  4. Hi Maki,

    Anne Hathaway is something else isn't she?
