At the heels of the numerous and phenomenal vampire tales come “Vampires Suck”, a parody of today’s hit teen fad straight from the outrageous minds of Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer - both known for the "Scary Movie" series, “Date Movie”, “Epic Movie”, "Disaster Movie" and "Meet the Spartans". “Vampires Suck” pools together several talented comics headed by Ken Jeong who starred in the “Hangover”. he is joined by with Matt Latner, Jenn Proske and Chris Riggi.

You can catch our review of "Vampires Suck" here

The movie bites when Becca (Jenn Proske) finds herself in the midst of a vampire-human-wolf love triangle. This dilemma takes her deeper into teen angst and romance as she decides between the vampire, Edward Sullen (Matt Latner) and the werewolf, Jacob (Chris Riggi). Now, before she finally decides between Edward and Jacob, Becca must get around her controlling father who manages to embarrass her at all times.

“Vampires Suck” opens very soon in theaters from 20th Century Fox. This film will be distributed by Warner Bros locally.

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  1. I want to watch this movie because it's just the perfect parody of Twilight... ever! Although there has been numerous attempts of parodies on YouTube and what-have-you, some of them are just "so, so" but Vampires Suck really tickled my funny bones. LOL

  2. @The Biz Thoughts, please go to the imdb page of Vampires Sucks, this isn't the perfect parody. Judging by the use of the word "LOL", I can safely assume that you are teenage-minded.
    Believe, this movie will be terrible, look at the director's other movies.
    Also, if you are going to visit imdb, then don't ever post in the forum.

  3. There is a difference between what teenager laugh at,, and what normal people laugh at.

  4. I saw this movie it pretty much sucked. Some parts were funny but many were very inapropriate! I would only suggest seeing this if you like disgusting things and if you are 15 or older. The previews did not look too bad but when I saw it it was very bad!
