Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Trailer Sneak Peek

The trailer of the finale of the Harry Potter films is finally here. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" will be separated into two parts - Part 1 will be shown on November 18, 2010 and Part 2 on July 2011. To cut the story short, the trailer looks awesomely yummy and we cannot wait to see it in whole already (that's more than a year from now for crying out loud). See the trailer after the break.

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  1. OMG! I AM GOING TO SEE IT! ITS GOING TO BE THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yea s gonna be pretty sick i think itll be nice..yuppp s gonna be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. HEY MIKEY! ARE YOU GONNA SEE IT! MIKEY U GOTTa! C'MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MR>EWING U GOTTA SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hi jacob look i wrote ur name! Jacob fredricksen is a short freckled 7th grader who goes to west junior high he lives in minnesota and he is available he has a facebook!

  5. i am seeing it tomorrow with my best friend I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i don't even care that i haven't finished the books yet (i am in the middle of order of the phoenix)

  6. I just saw it. Even though I read the book I was still captivated. Man did they do a good job.

  7. YES! i am sooo glad i read all the books for the second time just refresh my memory and i FINISHED! i am going to see the movie tonight at 10:20!

  8. Hey did you all book your tickets first? or did you just go to the cinema?

  9. can't wait to see this, everyone i know is saying this is the best Potter film so far!

  10. so awsome i saw it on the first day my favorite part was when doby off the ceiling and it almost falls on bellatrix lestrange. so awsome choww

  11. order pheonix was such an awsome book my favorite part was when albus dumbledore put voldemort into the water ball and droped him on the groun it was cool seeing albus fight with voldemort wish you best luck with the rest of the series

  12. I love watching the HP series but I honestly can't say this is the best of the series. Some of the details in HP7 could have been condensed with the final episode ... the makers are just out for milking this cow by extending it with HP8. For this episode, we could have just waited for it on DVD.

  13. To Anonymous on 26 November at 8:09 AM: Just grow up!

  14. This was basically a terrible movie...maybe they had to do some work to tie everything together...but turning the climax of HP into a snoozefest is unforgivable. I did doze of a few times in the early parts of the movie and I was chacking my watch every 5 minutes through the last hour.

    This reeks of milking the fan base for money.

  15. I enjoyed the PRIOR Potter movies, I actually went to sleep during this Part one episode. Slow, dragging rhetoric. Believe it or not with a couple of exceptions, the performers didn't put that much into it. Not as good as the Muppet Movie - so don't get that fired up before you see it.

  16. I go to give company to my other 'alf.I've slept thro' 'em all.

  17. This was not the greatest, it dragged. It could have been made into one movies easily, dragging part one out for 2.5 hours was over the top. There were sections one could tell were just "time fillers"...
    I was not impressed.

  18. the movie sucks like hell in stead i would do sex with a girl

  19. When the best performance turned in is by a free house elf who is likely mostly animated, one must question the choice of director. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is a dismal disappointment and the only shining light and one saving grace in the version I saw was the technology of IMAX and its huge, all engrossing field of vision. The movie captivates the audience in the opening scenes with Professor Snape’s diabolical entry, the reflective moments of each of our three heroes as they embark on their dire and final quest, and the spiriting away of all the Harrys from Potter’s muggle retreat. The major cast has been introduced and the audience is primed for another treacherous romp through the magical menagerie of JK’s wizardly world. Unfortunately, within the next five minutes, all of the characters we have come to know and love, or hate, all but disapparate from the script. To be sure, some fine actors were cast, with Ralph Fiennes, as the more tangible yet far less potent Voldemort, Helena Bonham Carter as Bellalatrix, and Allan Rickman as Snape, yet none are given a chance to act. The usually vitriolic Snape is muzzled, leaving one to suspect he was being paid by the word in a low budget flick. Fiennes fights more with the script than anything Harry can throw at him, and although Bellalatrix tries she is flattened by lackluster performances from all around her. In her scene with our three captured heroes one has the distinct impression it was shot with either no script, no director, in one take or with no clue of what was going on. Actors stumbled, hesitated and fell completely out of character; notably Draco Malfoy and his father, Lucius.
    Whereas previous episodes in this series contained subplots which helped to weave the magic and suspense, this latest offering plods along under one thread, asking three relatively hapless neophytes to carry the full weight of the drama with little substantial direction. To be sure, after years to learn their roles, they should have no excuse for not bringing Ron, Hermione and Harry to life as well rounded and properly motivated adolescent wizards. Yet they stumble, in a way only impudent teens could do, dispassionately from scene to scene apparently unaware of the grave danger that lurks around every corner. But they were, after all, abandoned by their script, the rest of the cast, the director and most probably the studio that saw this as another sure cash grab to greedily line their pockets. It is such a shame that a movie series of this box office stature should fall so far from grace. Even the Skele-Gro potion could not regrow a backbone into this one. Dumbledore would be turning in his grave were he to see how badly they botched it. Come to think of it, his performance in the Deathly Hallows was one of the better ones.

  20. Harry Potter and the DH
    Rating C
    As the actors have aged and grown into young adults, the directors and screen writers have attempted to move HP into the genre of drama. This proved to be beyond the capabilities of the actors and everyone else involved with the production. The drama is worhty of a high school play and really becomes tedious in a 2.5 hour movie.

  21. Thats not a review. Thats pandering to Potter Fans... This site blows.

  22. Saw it...Tedious and frustrating...bad movie logic throughout.

  23. Bowel movement or the movie...Chose bowel movement...what a relief!
