Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: Movie Review

The first time we heard the movie’s title – "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs", we couldn’t help but laugh. The title is just so unusual and at the same time, intriguing. Come on, a movie wherein meatballs fall from the sky? How the hell are they going to come up with a good movie with a title like that - even conjuring a story is almost impossible for us to fathom. We soon found out though that the story is based on a children's book of the same title (what a relief knowing that the story is not going to be made out of thin air). The question now is, are they going to make a good movie out of it? We’ve set a very high standard when it comes to animated films because of the brilliant classics offered by Dreamworks and Disney-Pixar in the recent years. Sony has released "Monster House" and "Surf’s Up" among a few but these were simply forgettable. Let’s see if Sony can come at par with the latest from competition.

There is absolutely nothing that Flint Lockwood (Bill Hader) wants in the world than to become one of its greatest inventors. From his early childhood days, he has dreamt of inventing something great that would change humanity. After many many years, you would think that young Flint has indeed done something significant but as all things in life, this is not the case. We see Flint in the present time, still dreaming but still, no luck. His latest invention is a machine that would generate food out of water vapor. Seems far-fetched right? His device accidentally gets rocketed into the sky and before he knows it, cheeseburger comes falling down into the whole town. Everyone thinks the invention is amazing and the whole town is treated with all kinds of food they could dream of. However, things start to go wrong as Flint sees that the more food the machine generates, the more dangerous the food the machine generates becomes.

"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is just a movie we loved and enjoyed immensely. We were amazed on how they came up with a movie or a story from the concept of food falling from the sky. The graphics were brilliant and the story, heartwarming. We liked the Father-Son theme since there aren’t a lot of movies where we see this (or we don’t remember one in recent memory). We were laughing hard from the unique humor that not only kids will enjoy but adults as well. It was like an infusion of Japanese and European style animation and cinema in our opinion. Who said Sony couldn’t come up with a great film of their own? This may just be the beginning and we can’t wait for the next animated movies from them. "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" may have a weird title but it’s something worth your time. For a more enjoyable experience, catch it on 3D to see the breathtaking, life sized food coming down to earth.

Rating: 5 reels

Why you should watch it:
- unexpectedly great and heartwarming story
- great movie to see for extra special Father-Son bonding
- witty movie! Numerous scenes that got us laughing really hard
- it had a unique style of presentation that seems to be a mix of European and Japanese influences

Why you shouldn’t watch it:
- the only reason why you shouldn’t watch this is if you hate animated movies
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  1. Awesome movie a different thinking, love this imagination.

    Movie Clips of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs:

  2. Hi TubeChunk,

    Yup it was amazing and so different from your typical 3D movie. We hope we could see more of the like in the future and then we won't have to really be sick of all the computer generated movies coming out.
