Law Abiding Citizen: Sneak Peek

The star of "300", Gerard Butler, is poised to surprise audiences once again with his cunning performance as a vengeful family man in murderous rampage. An actor attracted to diversified portrayals, he is starring opposite Academy Award winner Jamie Foxx in the upcoming action-packed thriller "Law Abiding Citizen" where they are pitted against each other in a deadly battle of wits. Read more to find out about this film.

The plot revolves around murderer Clyde Sheldon (Gerard Butler) who is orchestrating a series of killings in an apparent revenge to the justice system which he believes has not provided enough justice for the massacre of his family. He is the lone survivor of a random home burglary that claimed the lives of his wife and daughter. Amazingly, he is targeting key personalities involved in his case while inside the jail. Before going behind bars, Sheldon was an upright family man, then twistedly transformed into a serial killer by the tragedy. He feels that the Philadelphia prosecutor handling his family's case, Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx), didn't exhaust all means to penalize one of the suspects by giving him a light sentence for testifying against the latter's accomplice.

Butler spent time with criminologists and explored the psyche of serial killers in preparing for the role. The believable clash between his role and that of Jamie Foxx proved very valuable to the project.The movie also stars Viola Davis, Bruce McGill, Colm Meaney, Leslie Bibb, Michael Irby and Regina Hall.
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Released by Viva International Pictures, "Law Abiding Citizen" opens nationwide on November 4.

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  1. Can wait for the movie. 300 is a great movie. 100% included in my favorite list.

  2. Hi Rocky,

    Hopefully this is as good as 300 was!

    Thanks for commenting!
