Love on Line (LOL): Movie Review

Vic Sotto’s new movie didn’t actually spark any interest for us right from the very beginning. Reason for this is for the past few years, Vic Sotto has starred in films that are literally trash but nonetheless, makes a lot of money. For instance, he always has an entry every year in the Metro Manila film festival that garners millions in sales but we do not necessarily consider them quality films. Most of these films have stupid and forced plots while brimming with advertisements aplenty - talk about S-E-L-L-O-U-T. It is for this reason that we do not exactly expect a great experience from "Love on Line". But hey, we can never say, maybe Vic Sotto will be able to bring in some laughs that will appeal not only to his supporters but to everyone else and finally learn that not only do the quantity of viewers matter but actually the quality of the film as well. Read our take of the movie after the jump.

Tot(Jose Manalo) spends a lot of time using BookFace, a social networking site wherein he has high hopes of finding the girl of his dreams. This is where he becomes friends with Paula(Paula Taylor), a girl from Bangkok vacationing in the Philippines. Unknown to Tot though that it is not actually Paula who he is socializing with but her ugly cousin played by Manilyn Reynes. They agree to meet up in person but the catch is Tot used Samson’s(Vic Sotto) profile picture. Samson agrees to go with Tot to meet Paula but Samson becomes attracted to her that he does not want to reveal the truth. Things get complicated when Tot uses magic that makes him and Samson switch bodies three hours a day from 6PM to 9PM.

We do not actually know where to begin expressing our frustrations about this film. First, this is the ultimate example of shallow comedy that we have seen in a lot of Vic Sotto movies in recent memory. We were hoping that his last movie with the king of comedy Dolphy will showcase better material but similar to that movie, this was a failed attempt to be humorous. In fact, watching Eat Bulaga and Vic Sotto’s spontaneous comedic lines in the noontime show may actually be funnier than the movie. It is not actually a surprise that Filipinos would rather watch Hollywood films these days because they get better value for their hard earned cash. This movie was poorly made, from the editing, to the film quality and even the inconsistent scenes. The story had nothing original and featured a lot of confusing and unnecessary scenes and side plots. Characters/Extras will also pop in and pop out - characters that actually do not contribute anything to the story whatsoever. Love on Line is a mess and to sum it all up, unless you are a big fan of Vic Sotto, stay far, far away from this one.

Rating: 1 reel

Why you should watch it:
- Paula Taylor’s gorgeous. This may be one of the few things you’ll like about the movie
- strong supporting cast. Gina Pareno and Jose Manalo were good

Why you shouldn’t watch it:
Very few funny and memorable scenes
- poor story, poor movie quality
- painfully dragging
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  1. I never really like vic sotto's past movies cause some of them are just a combination of some scenes from hit movies in the US. Although i like to see Paula Taylor on movies, the first time i saw her was on the amazing race asia 2. Shes really pretty. To bad Marc and Rovilson didn't win.

  2. Hi Raynan,

    Thanks for commenting again!

    Well, for us, Vic Sotto can do more. He just needs to find better material for himself. We still believe he has a chance.

    Yeah, too bad they lost! They led almost the whole season just to blunder on the last leg!

  3. Hi,
    Very honest review. I like that. Ritchie D'Horsie was supposed to be playing the sidekick of the main male character. But his sickness forced Vic Sotto to tap Wally Bayola. Overall it's quite ok to entertain.

