And I Love You So: Movie Review

Two recent blockbusters from Star Cinema showcased the team up of Sarah Geronimo and John Lloyd Cruz with "A Very Special Love" and its follow-up "You Changed My Life". With these two films leading the way for the past year, people seem to be forgetting John Lloyd’s original on screen partner, Bea Alonzo. Now, it is time for Bea to show that she can actually come up with a hit film without the help of her (former) leading man. The spotlight is now on with "And I Love You So" things are looking a bit brighter because it is equipped with two of the most sought after leading men and a director with several hit movies under his belt. Click to see our take of the movie and see if Bea truly succeeds.

Lara (Bea Alonzo) could not ask for a more perfect life now that she is married to her first love and the man of her dreams, Oliver (Derek Ramsay). Five months into their marriage, tragedy happens as Oliver suffers aneurysm and dies on the spot. The next scenes show Lara 7 months later, still unable to move on from her misery. She finds a friend in Chris (Sam Milby), who helps her realize that she can still do things and live without Oliver. Being with Chris, Lara finally feels how it is like being happy again. However, feelings of guilt looms as she realizes how much she forgets her husband whenever Chris is around.

After seeing the film, we can say that it was pretty good although it still was not able to surpass our view of "One More Chance" which we feel was a really superior film. What made the movie quite good is its story as it is not the usual “make-your-audience-kilig (make you feel giddy) the whole time" , which is usually the theme in Star Cinema movies whenever they show a new team up in the big screen. In fact, this love story had depth and it actually tickles the emotional side of viewers. The cast was good as well. We see Bea Alonzo in her usual acting prowess but we feel that a lot of people will now notice Sam Milby and his ability to take more dramatic roles. We must admit that he is actually getting better with dramatic scenes, compared to his acting in the past so cheers to Sam Milby. We are not crazy about telling you to go and watch this on the big screen but it is not so bad if you would. Just make sure that you bring the tissues, especially if you cry easily.

Rating: 3.5 reels

Why you should watch it:

- very interesting and emotional story - tearjerker!
- great acting from the cast

Why you shouldn’t watch it:
- may become too depressing, especially for those who recently lost a loved one
- if you’ve never liked Bea Alonzo

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  1. Doesn't the plot sounds like the American Movie "The Notebook"? =S

  2. Hi there anonymous,

    No, actually this story is very different from Nicolas Spark's plot. This movie is a story of a young widow trying to move on from her husband's death.

    Thanks for the comment!

  3. It's the same as P.S. I Love You I think...
