Hi everyone!

It's been a wonderful three months watching movies, reviewing and sharing our opinions with you guys! It was a rough start for us but recently our blog has grown quite much, even beyond our own expectations. Thank you so much for everyone's support; from just shouting out at our shoutbox, to leaving out comments on our posts and even by giving us an award (Thanks Chorva! for this one). Every feedback and every comment just makes blogging about our interest as a couple just that much worth it every single day!

So you may ask, what's this update for? Well, it's a momentous day for us. Our blog was featured in a major print media. Thanks Blogburst for this opportunity! We never thought that we would get syndicated to a big news company but we actually did it! Thanks to Chicago Sun-Times for choosing our article to be posted at your site. Some of you may notice that it's in the Sports Section, beats us, but that's still an added exposure for Reel Advice!

Click Here To Visit the Article in Chicago Sun-Times

That's all for now! Thanks guys!


  1. That's great! Congrats and keep up the good work :)

  2. Hi Mix and r1ooooo,

    Thanks for your comments! Great sites you have both there! :p

  3. you truly deserve the award i gave you :)

    and congratulations to the article. that is big!
