Hi everyone! It's been a wonderful three months watching movies, reviewing and sharing our opinions with you guys! It was a rough start for us but recently our blog has gro…
Most people only know about Al Gore's documentary about global warming, The Inconvenient Truth. Well, there is another documentary about the environment and about global warm…
This movie definitely caught us by surprise. We were actually not at all excited to see this film for two reasons: First, that Eddie Murphy hasn’t really come up with anything …
There have been a lot of heist films recently and their popularity, well for us, have never been better. There's something about successfully pulling off a robbery and striki…
Prom Night is a remake of the 80’s slasher flick starring Jamie Lee Curtis. Despite the cliché story that we’ve seen so many times in movies with similar genre like the Scream …
Who could forget The Day After Tomorrow or even maybe the ten-year old flick Deep Impact. These movies like Flood present us with scenes of famous cities being flooded or overran…
Hi everyone! As if you guys did not know already, Watchmen, arguably the best graphic ever written is going to be made into a movie. Here's the official trailer: Now please s…
Living in a third world country, who could honestly think that we can compare or even be better off than a first world country? People see the U.S. as a way to their hopes and dr…
It's been three years and more than a month since the brilliant re-telling of the Batman in film, Batman Begins. And the hell it's been that long that we have been cravin…
For the young people out there (ehem! like us?!?!), Mamma Mia! is not a movie musical but is actually based on a musical play of the same name. What is more astounding is that al…
It's been a long time since jet Li has starred in a movie purely made by Chinese. In recent times, Hollywood has been Jet Li's main stage. The Warlords is a return for Je…
We were really disappointed that we didn’t get to see this in 3D. We believe that almost every scene is made to be seen in 3D picture. The story is about a scientist and profe…
Hancock is not your ordinary superhero. He’s a drunkard, impolite, and thinks highly of himself. At times he even causes more damage whenever he tries to save people that’s wh…
Now now now...how could we start off with "My Monster Mom" review, several analogies perhaps? Well, to put it bluntly, it is like the time when a person pukes and still…